ESP32 As iBeacon

Jun 30, 2018


If you’d like to broaden your software development skills, it’s pretty easy to get a bit “closer to the metal”. There are several system on a chip or single board microcontrollers suitable for hobby projects. One of the popular options is Espressif’s ESP32, A SOC microcontroller with integrated WIFI and Bluetooth.

They’re pretty cheap, starting at $5, you can get them from Adafruit, eBay or your local electronics shop (are they still a thing?).


Before you get to use it for something useful, you’ve got to instruct it what to do. That is, to write the software and then flash it (copy it on the device).

There are several guides on how to set up your development environment. I’ve used a mash up of instructions from Hackaday and Espressif’s how to get started.

It doesn’t really matter which one of the instructions you pick, you’ll end up performing the following steps:

  • Setup the toolchain - the software that’s going to compile your executable
  • Copy esp-inf - the framework used to develop said executable
  • Setup paths - the toolchain needs to know about esp-inf
  • Install driver - because you’ll need a driver to connect to the device, using a basic USB cable. Installing this driver will create a new device /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART, that’s going to be used to transfer the data to the device.
  • Test the connection - connect the device using the USB cable, and then run the following macOS command: screen -r /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART 115200.

Running your own software

Start by copying the hello world example provided by esp-ifd. After copying of any of the examples, change directory to that folder and run make flash. That should build the project and copy it to the device. To monitor the running program, run make monitor.

This will get you started. The next steps are to change one of the examples and make it your own.

Resetting the state

While bulding your own software, you may create your first infinit loop. E.g. your software starts, prints the “hello world” message and the reboots. In this system, there are so few steps, that the “hellow world” message will run a couple of times per second, keeping the CPU busy, leaving no time for other operations, like replacing the new software. Rebooting the device will not work, since the first thing that happens after reboot is starting your programs.

Being a development board, is pretty easy to get out of this infinte loop. You can do that by erasing the flash --port /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART --baud 115200 --after soft_reset erase_flash

Or by replacing the current program with a new one

make flash

However you won’t be able to install them if the device is busy rebooting.

To get it ouf of this state, you need to get it into the boot mode. To do that, just press one of the buttons (the left one?) and run one of commands from above.

To be continued.

A Better Structure For Express/node.js Apps

Dec 30, 2017

If you’d like to start a new Express app, there are thousands of articles on how to do so. Most of them, targeting beginners, include all the code in one or two files. Although, technically correct, these articles are quite lax on good practices. In no particular order, I’d like to address the following issues.

App Start Up Issues

The API/web endpoint accepts requests before a database connection was established. Usually, the offending code would be structured like this:

// app.js

var http = require('http');
var app = express();

// ...

// ...

// ...
var server = app.listen( process.env.PORT || 3000, function(){
  console.log(`Listening on port ${server.address().port}`);

Because, in node.js, almost everything is asynchronous, your app will start listening for connections before the database connection was established. Although this might not be a problem when developing the app, it’s a different story when deployed in production. A fast start up time might be 300-500 ms, connecting to redis and mongodb, might take 600 ms or more. Are you sure there are no incoming connections in those 300-600 ms your app takes to start?

A minimal fix, is to start listening for connections once the database connection was established.

mongoose.connection.on('open', function(){
  var server = app.listen( process.env.PORT || 3000, function(){
    console.log(`Listening on port ${server.address().port}`);

No Setup For Connecting to Multiple Databases/Services

Most examples connect to zero

app.get('/', function(req, res, next){
  return res.send('Hello World!');

or one database/service.

// routes/articles.js
var router = require('express').Router();
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Article = mongoose.model('Article');

router.get('/', auth.optional, function(req, res, next) {
  Article.find({}, function(err, articles){
    if (err) {
      return next(err);
    return res.json(articles || []);

To address this issue, I would change a couple of things. First, your router should not require your model. If really what to do that query in your router, at minimum, you should pass in the router and model as a dependency.

// routes/articles.js
module.exports = function(dependencies) {
  var router = dependencies.router;
  var Article = dependencies.Article;
  // var redisClient = dependencies.redisClient;

  router.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
    Article.find({}, function(err, articles){
      if (err) {
        return next(err);
      return res.json(articles || []);

// app.js
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var dependencies = {
  router: require('express').Router(),
  Article: mongoose.model('Article')
var articlesRoute = require('routes/articles')(dependencies);

At least, you’ve got a chance to mock router and/or the model, to test them independently.

If one would like to go further, model and/or the redis client can be further refactored into a store.js file that will handle the databases interaction. For example, return a cached version of the articles, and only if none is found, query the database. Also, store the queried result for 10 seconds.

// lib/store.js
module.exports = function(dependencies) {
  var Article = dependencies.Article;
  var redisClient = dependencies.redisClient;

  function articles(callback) {
    return redisClient.get('articles', function(err, items){
      // if err ... unhandled
      if (items) {
        return callback(err, items);
      Article.find({}, function(err, articles){
        // if err ...
        var ttl = 10; // expire cache after 10 seconds
        return redisCLient.set('articles', articles, 'ex', ttl,
          function(err, result){
            return callback(err, articles);

  return {
    articles: articles

// app.js
var Article; // from require or dependencies
var redisClient;

var store = require('lib/store')({

var articlesRoute = require('routes/articles')({
  router: require('express').Router(),

// routes/articles.js
module.exports = function(dependencies) {
  var store =;

  router.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
    return store.articles(function(err, items){
      if (err) {
        return next(err);
      return res.json(articles || []);

To write a unit test for the above code, one would start with store.js. The npm packages mockgoose and redis-js could be used to setup an in-memory database for mongo and redis.

Using the same technique, one can inject any type of service that requires configuration and setup (eg. RabbitMQ, Push Notifications Services, websockets). If at a later point, one would like to replace redis with memcache, there shouldn’t be a require('redis') in every file.

Tight Code Coupling

Or as seen in almost every online example require the same local or external module in every file.

// router.js
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Article = mongoose.model('Article');

can be replaced with

// router.js
module.exports = function(dependencies) {
  var Article = dependencies.Article;
  // var models = dependencies.models; // or better yet

The same can be applied to app.js.

// app.js
module.exports = function(dependencies) {
  var config = dependencies.config;
  var models = dependencies.models;
  var redisClient = dependencies.redisClient;

  var app = express();

  // ...
  return app;

And even to config.js. Beside all the connection strings (mongo, redis, etc), one can use this file to assign a release version to the current app. This maybe be useful if one needs to pass in that info to other services, like

// config.js
module.exports = function(dependencies) {
  var process = dependencies.process;
  var os = dependencies.os;
  var p = require('../package.json'); // or from dependencies

  var config = {
    port: process.env.NODE_PORT || 3000,
    hostname: process.env.NODE_PORT || os.hostname(),
    mongoUrl: process.env.NODE_MONGO_URL || 'mongodb://localhost/db',
    release: + '-' + p.version

  return config;

Using the presented building blocks, when setting up an app, a start module can be build, so all the services start only after the required connections were established.

// lib/start.js
module.exports = function(dependencies) {
  var config = dependencies.config;
  var process = dependencies.process;
  var mongoose = dependencies.mongoose;

  function redisOnConnect(startTime, mongooseOnOpen) {
    return function redisOnConnectFunc() {
      console.log(`Redis connected after ${(new Date() - startTime)} ms.`);

      mongoose.connect(config.mongoUrl, {
        useMongoClient: true
      mongoose.connection.on('error', onError);
      mongoose.connection.on('disconnected', function(){
        debug('Mongoose connection disconnected');
      mongoose.connection.on('open', mongooseOnOpen(config, startTime));

  function onError(error) {
    console.log('Connection error: ' + err);

  function serverOnListening(startTime, server) {
    return function onListeningFunc() {
      var address = server.address();
      console.log(`Server listening on ${address.address}:${address.port}.`);
      console.log(`Start time: ${(new Date() - startTime)} ms.`);

  return {

// bin/service.js
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var config = require('lib/config')({
  os: require('os')
var start = require('lib/start')({
function mongooseOnOpen(config, startTime) {
  return function mongooseOnOpenFunc() {
    console.log(`Mongoose connection open in ${(new Date() - startTime)} ms.`);

    var app = require('../app')({

    var http = require('http');
    var server = http.createServer(app);

    server.on('error', start.onError);
    server.on('listening', start.serverOnListening(startTime, server));

var redisClient = redis.client(config);
redisClient.on('ready', start.redisOnConnect(startTime, mongooseOnOpen));

As an exercise, when writing a new service, one should answer the question, how should this new code be tested? Today, all the cool kids use mongo, but tomorrow, they go hipster and switch back to FoxPro.

OpenSSL s_client vs PHP stream_socket_client

Mar 20, 2016

We, as developers, craft bespoke apps that connect to remote servers, over encrypted connections. Those connections are authenticated using API keys, username and passwords or public certificate and private keys. Sometimes, those connections work out of the box, sometimes we’ll spend 6 hours figuring out what’s wrong.

The easiest way to establish a plain text connection from the terminal to a server, is to use telnet

telnet 80

then issue a HTTP command like GET / and you’ll get Google’s homepage, which will be a redirect to a HTTPS version of the same page.

To establish a SSL connection, you can use the openssl Swiss knife.

openssl s_client -connect

and then issue the same HTTP command GET / and you’ll get the HTTPS version of the Google homepage.

OpenSSL can be used to open a connection that requires certificate authentication too, just supply those as CLI options. This way you can test that the Apple Push Notification connectivity, by using your developer certificate and private key. Just make sure that they are converted to the PEM file format first.

openssl s_client -connect -cert -key -CAfile -showcerts -state

After you’ve figured out which developer certificate and which private key are still active and match your remote server, you can establish the same connection from PHP.

$opts = array(
  'ssl' => array(
      'local_cert' => '',
      'local_pk' => '',
      'cafile' => 'example.cacert',
      'verify_peer' => true,

$timeout = 160;
$host = "ssl://";

echo "Connecting\n";

$context = stream_context_create($opts);
$socket = stream_socket_client (
  $host, $errno, $errstr, $timeout,

if (!$socket) {
    echo "Failure $errno errstr $errstr.\n";
} else {
    echo "Success\n";

In most of the cases, after running this script, the output will be Success.

However, if you’re unlucky, you’ll get the following output

PHP Warning:  stream_socket_client(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages:
error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed in /path/to/example.php on line 20
PHP Warning:  stream_socket_client(): Failed to enable crypto in /path/to/example.php on line 20
PHP Warning:  stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to ssl:// (Unknown error) in /path/to/example.php on line 20
errno 0 errstr .

After you double check several times, you reach the conclusion that you’re using the same certificate, key and CA certificate as above. You’ll start wondering if there is a difference when the connection is made using openssl s_client and PHP’s stream_context_create and stream_socket_client (or curl).

One of the ways to get a glimpse into what each program is doing, is to use DTrace if you’re lucky enough to use one of the OSes where’s available (like MacOS X, FreeBSD or SmartOS) or to use its poor friend strace.

strace php example.php 2> example.php.log
strace openssl s_client -connect -cert -key -CAfile -showcerts -state 2> example.openssl.log

After a careful check of those file’s output, you’ll notice that OpenSSL and PHP are using two different CA stores. Open SSL’s /usr/lib/ssl/certs/, versus PHP’s /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/. You can spot this by checking what happens before getting the stream_socket_client(): SSL operation failed with code 1. error message:

PHP’s trace:

stat("/usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla//6b99d060.0", 0x7ffded049c80) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)

OpenSSL’s trace:

stat("/usr/lib/ssl/certs/6b99d060.0", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=1643, ...}) = 0
open("/usr/lib/ssl/certs/6b99d060.0", O_RDONLY) = 4

After figuring this little difference, it’s pretty easy to fix the PHP code. Change the stream_context_create to include the new CA path:

$opts = array(
  'ssl' => array(
      'local_cert' => '',
      'local_pk' => '',
      'cafile' => 'example.cacert',
      'capath' => '/usr/lib/ssl/certs/',
      'verify_peer' => true,

Tip o’ the hat to Ben Hearsum’s Python and SSL Certificate Verification article for suggesting to use strace to figure out why do we get different results, while using the same certificates.
